Student Showcase

French Cinema à la WTMA

A miniature rabbit toy and a miniature dog toy are shown as if they are speaking to each other over the phone from their own rooms as part of a French Cinema à la WTMA project.
Associated Subjects:

World Language

After spending an entire unit learning the vocabulary around cinema and film-making, our French III level students had fun with a unit project that consisted of making their own short films in French from A to Z (à la WTMA). The project required them to write the script, use props, enlist other family members as actors, or draw the scenes, and then film their short movies. The results were creative and often hilarious. Students especially enjoyed viewing each others’ movies. Not a single one disappointed, but here are a few samples of the excellent works produced by Lila T. (La Saint-Valentin) and Grace C. (Voyage au Rockefeller Center). Bravo les filles !

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