Delayed Lecture Sections

Delayed Lecture Sections allow students unable to attend live class sessions to participate in our classes. This program is especially suited to meet the needs of international students, after school students, and students whose schedules conflict with times listed for live lectures.  

Delayed Lecture participants:

  • Watch recorded class sessions within 24 hours of the live lecture and then turn in assignments on the same schedule as the rest of the class.
  • Interact with other students via discussion boards.
  • Can work with their instructors outside of class via email and meetings in the instructor’s virtual office.

To participate in the delayed section of a course, register for “Section D” of that course.

Click here for the written transcript of the delayed student orientation video.

Quiz: Is a Delayed Class Section Right For You?

Do you maintain a daily/weekly schedule or routine, with a regular time for schoolwork?
Can you dedicate a regular viewing time for class recordings?
Do you have an email account that you check at least daily?
Are your writing skills advanced enough to communicate with your classmates via discussion boards and your instructor via email?
Do you get distracted by chat or frustrated by student interruptions in live online class?
Do you like to stop and think during class, but then find you are not keeping up with what the instructor is teaching?
Is your primary interest in taking classes online to take-in content at your own speed, without concern for social interaction?
Do you like to rewatch sections of lecture more than once to increase your understanding of the subject matter?

Score: 0

  • 6-8 Points: You are set up to do well in any delayed lecture section. As long as you keep your regular good study habits, you should have a great class experience!
  • 4- 5 Points: Delayed lecture sections might be a good fit for you, but you should make sure you have extra support at home to keep you on track with your watching recordings and completing coursework.
  • 0-3 Points: The Delayed Lecture Program most likely does not suit your learning style. Please reach out to us via our Help Center to see if we can find a scheduled class that will work for you! If you do need to sign up for a delayed class section because of a scheduling conflict, we recommend considering the additional help of a study coach or tutor. If you need resources for finding a tutor, click here.
