Japanese II
Full-year course. Japanese II builds on the foundation established in Japanese I, expanding on previously-learned material while introducing a variety of new, essential strategies for communication. Students will use skills in the following areas and build global competency skills for future careers and experience based on the World-readiness Standards for Learning Languages from the ACTFL: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities.
Students will continue to develop basic competencies in the four modalities of language learning: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. At the conclusion of the course, students will be able to navigate everyday situations such as shopping and doctors’ appointments, and to express reasons for their desires, decisions, and emotional states (speaking); to provide a detailed narrative of a past event using an appropriate mix of hiragana, katakana, and 60 of the most common kanji characters (writing); to recognize, understand, and respond to a number of everyday conversational expressions (listening); and to comprehend most of the information conveyed in texts such as personal emails, blog/journal entries, and short folktales (reading).
Click here to read about the Well-Trained Mind Academy’s approach to world language learning. Note: We do not offer a delayed section for this course due to the live interaction that is key to learning language.
We recommend that students enrolling in Japanese II be comfortable with the topics covered in Grammar II. Grammar instruction is not a pre- or co-requisite, however we have found that students are more successful learning a new language when they have a strong understanding of grammar rules. Use the placement tests found in our grammar course descriptions to find the appropriate grammar course for your student.
Prerequisite: Japanese I; Japanese II Placement Test
Japanese II Information
- Example Syllabus
- Class meets three times per week for 50-55 minutes.
- Class cap: 15 students.
- Designed for grades 9-12.
- Students may be awarded 1 World Languages credit upon completion of this course.
- Taught by Clare Kappenman