Registration Open for

Summer 2020 & 2020 - 2021 School Year

Classical foundations. Time-tested methods. Today’s technology.

Register for 2020-21 Courses

Classical Education:
Teaching Students How to Learn

Our teaching methods are based on the three-part classical pattern of training the mind, called the trivium. Students begin their studies by learning the foundations of a subject. Questioning and argumentation (logic skills) follow. Finally, students are taught how to express their own ideas about their subjects. At the heart of our curriculum is our mandate to teach students how to learn, so that they may leave WTMA with the motivation to pursue knowledge their whole lives.

About the Well-Trained Mind Academy

The Well-Trained Mind Academy (WTMA) was founded in 2014 by Susan Wise Bauer to provide a natural extension of your homeschooling education, rooted in classical methods. We offer live, online instruction that fits your student’s overall educational plan. Our instructors are qualified in their fields and have years of experience in teaching, tutoring, and homeschooling. The administration at WTMA works closely with students, parents, and instructors to create an educational environment that fits the needs of each family.


Registration for 2020-21 Courses is Now Open!

Enroll now for Summer, One Semester, and Full-Year courses.

Register for 2020-21 Courses